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Nikolay Lalov


With an extensive artistic activity as a conductor, violinist and pedagogue, Nikolay Lalov stands out for his extensive experience in all areas where he currently works.

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, N. Lalov began his violin studies at the age of six. Finished the National Music School “L. Pipkov” with a gold medal, awarded for the very high results obtained during the studies. He graduated from the Bulgarian National Academy as a violinist and later completed the orchestra conducting course at the same institution.

He was the youngest violin teacher to work at  prestigious music school in Bulgaria: National School “L. Pipkov”. His organizational skills and enthusiasm allowed him to create several orchestras and ensembles, in Bulgaria and Portugal, where he came to live in 1989, at the age of 29.

The Orchestra of Music Teachers (1987-88) in Sofia, Ensemble Concertino (1992), the Youth Orchestra of the City of Évora (1992) and, finally, the Cascais and Oeiras Chamber Orchestra (1996) are the products of his effort to create cultural structures in both countries.

N. Lalov is a true “ambassador of music and culture”. A prominent place in its activity occupies the exchange between various European cultures.

N. Lalov has recorded for Rádio Nacional Bulgaria and Rádio Difusão Portuguesa. He played and directed in several countries, such as Bulgaria, Russia, Greece, England, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Mexico, USA and China.

He has directed orchestras such as Nova Filarmonia Portuguesa, Algarve's Regional Orchestra, Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra, Bulgarian Academy Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra di Roma, Hungarian National Orchestra, Ukraine National Orchestra, Brazil National Orchestra, Nacional Monterrey Orchestra (Mexico), London Chamber Orchestra, New Mexico Symphony Orchestra (USA), Thessaloniki's National Orchestra (Greece), Florence Chamber Orchestra, Grosseto Symphony Orchestra, Napoli Orchestra, Euro Orchestra and National Orchestra of Bari, Lecco Symphony Orchestra (Italy) among others.

  He is currently Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Cascais and Oeiras Chamber Orchestra. Lalov is the author, together with his wife, of the first children's opera composed in Portugal, “Um Sonho Mágico”, Lalov and attentive promoter of all young artists at the beginning of his artistic career is mainly responsible for the creation of the First Conservatory of Music of Cascais in 2008.

  N. Lalov received the appreciation of several national entities of the two countries, having been awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit (Oeiras 2003), the Diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria (2003). In 2004, he was awarded the title Academic Correspondent of the Academy of Music of Valencia (Spain). In 2009 he was considered “Professional of the Year” by the Rotary Club Cascais-Portugal.

In 2012 the Cascais and Oeiras Chamber Orchestra created by Lalov was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit by the Municipality of Cascais.

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Patrocinadores particulares:

Com o apoio de:

Alain Joly / Lise de la Rochefoucauld | Ana Maria e Carlos Fragoso Senra | Pilar Louro Thorne e Daniel K. Thorne | Chô-Chô Cassan de Valry | Duarte Pedro de Azevedo de Araújo Geraldes e Helena Geraldes | Mafalda Moniz G Espírito Santo Silva | Regine Burnell | Frances Mary M Posser de Andrade


2023 created by Festival Entre Quintas

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